14 December 2018

Petrosz on "How to Be a Student" (2019 Version)

Petrosz continues our long standing tradition of providing fundamental instruction on how one can best be a student, and how best to relate to a teacher, at the start of the new year.

This talk will reiterate some of the material provided in earlier versions, with new material to be added based upon our evolving experiences as individuals and as a group of seekers and practitioners.

Friday, 18 January 2019
7:30 pm
New Age Community Church
6418 S. 39th Ave.
Phoenix AZ

05 October 2018

Petrosz on The Sorcery of Carlos Castaneda

Petrosz will be giving a lecture on the Sorcery of Carlos Castaneda and how it remains relevant in our own quests for personal transformation and increasing knowledge.

Friday, October 12 at 7pm
New Age Community Church, 6418 S. 39th Ave., Phoenix

29 August 2018

Every moment a death and birth

Every moment a death,
every moment a rebirth!

-- Hakuin

22 August 2018

Petrosz on "The Power of Awesome"

Petrosz will be teaching a special AUMM in August class this Saturday, August 25 at The Giving House in Mesa.

Topic: The Power of Awesome

Location: The Giving House, Mesa (contact us for directions)

04 July 2018

Freedom has no destiny

The Void has no history
Freedom has no destiny

Freedom is just another concept --
one of the last ones you need to let go of

27 June 2018

Meaning is meaningless

The source of meaning can't have meaning. Meaning just means something that is pointing to or implying something else. Meaningless is something that is not pointing to anything else but itself. A better term is "self-meaning" or "meaning in itself."

The source of meaning has no meaning.

22 June 2018

180 and 360

The "180 degree” turn is the real metanoia --  a turning of the mind or attention back to its source, not simply any random change or turn and not just some emotionally based repentance. If there is any repentance, it is self-remorse for looking in the wrong direction.

The "360 degree view" is the Pan-OM-Rama – the all-OM witness view as if from “above” – metaphorically speaking – of the whole situation.

The 180 turn (of attention back to its source in the noumenon) is what enables the 360 view.

01 April 2018

Transcendental God Realization Fellowship is Online

The next step lies within ...

realization is this close!


01 February 2018

avatar 2018 AD

Petrosz Amadeos Harmonivs Petros Xristosz, Magus of the PanDaemonAeon

12 January 2018

Student and Teacher (from The Hacker Ethic)

The Hacker Learning Model
from The Hacker Ethic (Pekka Himanen, 2001)

A typical hacker's learning process starts out with setting up an interesting problem, working toward a solution using various resources, and submitting that solution to extensive testing.

When a hacker checks out information sources on the Net, he often adds helpful information from his own experience. An ongoing, critical, evolutionary discussion forms around various problems.

The hackers' open learning model can be called their “Net Academy.” It is a continuously evolving learning environment created by the learners themselves.

In the hacker world, teachers are often those who have just learned something themselves. Often someone just engaged in a study of a subject is better able to teach it to others than the expert who no longer comes to it fresh and may have lost his grasp of how novices think. Nor does the expert find the teaching of basics very satisfying, while a student/teacher may find doing such teaching more rewarding.

If one is really able to teaching something to others, one must have already made the material very clear to oneself.

The wider significance of the hacker learning model is its reminder to us of the potential of seeing the academic development and learning models as identical.

We could use this idea to create a generalized Net Academy, in which study materials would be free for use, critique, and development by everyone. By improving existing material in new directions, the network could continuously produce better resources.

A hacker-style reading of the research material with a view toward criticizing and improving it – toward motivating oneself with it – would be much more conducive to learning than the tendency to just read material.

The Net Academy would follow the hacker model in creating a continuum from beginning student to foremost researcher in the field. Students would learn by becoming researching learners from the beginning.

In the Net Academy, every learning event would enrich all other learners. Alone or in company of others, the learner would add something to the shared material. This differs from our present model of disposable learning.

When material is constantly being adapted and expanded, competing versions are born. This is always the case in the hacker and research fields. Hackers have solved the practical problems arising from this by developing “concurrent-versioning” systems, which enable users to see how competing versions differ from the existing version and from each other.

The core of the academy does not consist of its individual achievements but of the academic model itself.

(from The Hacker Ethic by Pekka Himanen, 2001)

05 January 2018

Yogananda on Mind and Matter

The Western day is nearing when the inner science of self-control will be found as necessary as the outer conquest of Nature. The Atomic Age will see men's minds sobered and broadened by the now scientifically indisputable truth that matter is in reality a concentrate of energy. The human mind can and must liberate within itself energies greater than those within stones and metals, lest the material atomic giant, newly unleashed, turn on the world in mindless destruction. An indirect benefit of mankind's concern over atomic bombs may be an increased practical interest in the science of yoga.

-- Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi  (p 265)

01 January 2018

To be a student

(We begin the year, as is our tradition, with a discussion of how to be a student of the path.)

The difficulty on the path is what comes from ourselves. People do not like to be pupils, they like to be teachers. If they only knew that the greatness and perfection of the great ones, who have come to this world, was in their pupilship and not in teaching! The greater the teacher, the better pupil he was. Such a teacher learned from everyone.

No idea can be called one's own. All ideas have been learned from one source or another, but in time one comes to think they are one's own, yet all the time they keep one's cup covered up from further knowledge. The first thing to be learned is to understand how to uncover one's cup, that is, how to become a pupil. What are one's (preconceived) ideas? They are just collected knowledge. This should be unlearned.

-- Hazrat Inayat Khan