15 December 2019

Yulesticemas 2019 with AUMM

Join Petrosz Xrzistosz (tm) and the whole AUMM gang of mystical mysfits for our final gathering of the decade this Saturday, December 21!

We anticipate a small gathering for quiet contemplation and fellowship! Potluck -- bring snacks or beverages to share.

And you can anticipate more magickal mayhem in the coming year!

Sat., 12.22.19
1930 - 2230h.

New Age Community Church
6418 S. 39th Ave.
Phoenix AZ

11 November 2019

AnkhsGiving 2019!

Join Petrosz (tm) and the whole gang of merry mysfits for our first annual traditional ANKHSGIVING this Saturday, 23 November.

Pot luck -- bring something to share!

New Age Community Church
6418 S. 39th Ave., Phx

7:00pm - 10:00pm


03 October 2019

SamAummhain 2019 with Petrosz and the Whole Gang!

Join AUMM for our annual big pre-O'ween bash this October!

Saturday, Oct. 26 around 7:30 pm at the New Age Community Church (6418 S. 39th Ave., Phx)

Gathering, food, drink, and celebration of the season.

Masks and disguises are welcome and encouraged!

Bring food and/or beverages to share with a small group.

11 September 2019

Autumnal AummQuinox 2019 with Petrosz

Petrosz, Magus of the PanDaemonAeon, in league with the good folks of the Aeonic Union of Mystical Mastery, are pleased to host our annual Fall Equinox gathering and invocational rite, on Saturday 21 September, 2019.

Every seasonal and astronomical shift presents an opportunity to begin anew, to realign ourselves with whatever is to come, if we align our personal energies the right way.  Participate in this opportunity with us!

Location: New Age Community Church (6418 S. 39th Ave. Phoenix)
Time: 7:30pm - 10:00pm (approximately)

Join us for fellowship and potential fun and enlightenment!

14 May 2019

Sorcerer's Invocation (Revision 4)

Choosing a path with heart
I take death as my adviser

Impeccably calling unbending intent
I erase personal inventory

Stopping the internal dialogue
I collapse the world of ordinary perception

Fixing the warrior's gaze
I uphold the sorcerer's view of the world

Shifting the assemblage point
I see luminous bands of awareness

Acting with controlled folly
I pluck my cubic point of chance

Audaciously hunting power
I face the unknown with impunity

Kindled with knowledge
I burn with the fire from within

Losing the human form
I leap to the active side of infinity

Escaping the grasp of the Eagle's beak
I attain total freedom and infinite awareness

03 April 2019

Objective Prayer Absolute

Our Common Father Endlessness
Actualizer of Everything Existing
cause me to obtain within my common presence

all the data necessary

for an understanding of the sense and aim of my existence
and of the laws of world creation and world maintenance

that there may crystallize
within my mentation and feelings
those factors leading inexorably
to the formation of higher being bodies

and that

through my own conscious labors and intentional suffering
and with the help of certain Very Saintly Individuals
incarnated from above

I may attain
by the harmonious development
of my thinking, feeling, and moving centers

to the highest gradation of Objective Reason

that I might thereby lighten the burden of Thee,
O Holy Sun Absolute,
through the power of the Omnipresent Okidanokh

17 January 2019

How to Be a Student: Notes (Part One)

Notes for Part 1 of a proposed two-part seminar on being a student of the path.

See also our previous basic materials, posted online.

Most of the below is taken from several Fourth Way sources based upon the work of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky.

Recapitulation of the fundamental ideas of the Work according to Ouspensky:

1 A human is not a completed being. Nature develops us only up to a certain point, then leaves us either to develop further by our own efforts, or to live and die as we were born.

2 We ascribe to ourselves powers and faculties which we do not possess, and which we will never possess unless we can develop into completed beings.

3 We do not realize that we are actually machines, with no independent movements, brought into motion by external influences. The most important quality which we ascribe to ourselves but do not possess is consciousness.

Consciousness” refers to a state of greater awareness than our ordinary waking state. It is a particular kind of awareness of ourselves, of where we are at the moment, and in the broader context of the cosmos.

We must have an aim, otherwise no study can have any result. If we realize that we are asleep, the aim is to awaken. If we realize that we are machines, the aim is to cease to be machines.

If we want to be more conscious, we must study what prevents us from remembering ourselves.

The main obstacles for most students are imagination, self-deception, preconceptions, and expectations. These are all negative emotions, based on identification.

You cannot struggle with these obstacles without remembering yourself more, and you cannot remember yourself more without struggling with these obstacles.

The causes of negative emotions are not in external reasons, they are in ourselves.

Suffering, in itself, is not negative emotion. It can produce negative emotion only if you identify with it.

Imagination consists in ascribing to oneself some knowledge, power, or quality which one does not possess. Just letting things come into the mind may be harmless as long as it is free from identification.

NOTES ON WORK (published in Ouspensky's “The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution”)

1 Notes on Decision to Work

Think very seriously before you decide to work on yourself with the idea of changing yourself, to work with the aim of becoming more conscious and of developing connection with higher centers.

If you begin the journey and then go back, all that you acquired may crystallize into something negative in you.

If you do this work sincerely and remember the principles, it will bring you to the realization of your state and your needs.

You have to do gigantic work if you want to transform. If you want to work seriously you have to conquer many things in yourself.

Try to understand the necessity for deliberate suffering and conscious effort. These are the only two things that can change you and bring you to your aim.

Deliberate suffering means attitude toward suffering. It becomes deliberate if you do not rebel against it, if you do not try to avoid it, if you do not accuse anyone, if you accept it as a necessary part of your work at the moment and as a means for attaining your aim.


2 Notes on Work on Oneself

Need to work on four lines:

mind (the various “I”s)
consciousness (self-observation, self-remembering)
emotions (negative emotion, identification)
will (mechanical self-will vs. real will)

Try to understand the meaning of silence in the work, the meaning of sincerity and the meaning of truth. (See “Four (or five) Powers of the Sphinx”)

to know
to will
to dare
to endure
to transcend

You must understand the necessity for being careful when saying “I.” Try to understand which part of you is speaking or thinking, and name it accordingly.

You must always return to the idea of Permanent “I” and realize how far you are from it, and how many efforts are necessary in order to reach it.

You must clearly understand the necessity of self-observation for self study.

Work on consciousness can give results only when it becomes as near to permanent as possible. Spasmodic, interrupted work cannot give results.

Realize that mind can only prepare you for this work, and only guide you a certain distance. You can go further only with the help of will and emotions.

Work on emotions must be practical from the beginning; it begins with the struggle against imagination and mechanical talk. Next, work on identification and self-deception.

Try to understand that suffering is the only active principle in us which can be converted to higher feeling, higher thought and higher understanding.

These efforts will lead you to the awakening of conscience, which is the simultaneous feeling of all contradictory emotions. This is a necessary step for transferring yourself to the higher level of consciousness.

Think about yourself, realize how many opportunities you had and how many you have already lost and continue to lose daily.

Use the concept of deaths and rebirths to help you remember. You do not know how much time remains to you in this form. If you do not transform, everything will be repeated again, all mistakes and all loss of opportunity. You will have to look for your chance to work on consciousness again next time.


3 Additional Points (from Ouspensky's book Conscience)

One beginning condition is that you must believe nothing. Belief will not help; belief is deadening. It has not sufficient power.

The chief feature of our being is that we are many, not one. If we want to work on our being, to make it correspond better to our aim, we must try to become one. The first step is to create a permanent center of gravity.

When a student begins this course of study, the magnetic center brings the observing “I” into being. This “I” has to educate the rest of personality and essence.

The more you understand false personality the more you will remember yourself. “You” is what really is, and you must learn to distinguish it from the many false “yous.”

One of the misfortunes of our uninitiated state is that we are full of non-existent things. One of our advantages is that none of these things is permanent yet.

Fals personality is imaginary “I.” It acts as a center for negative emotions, imagination, deception, and identification.

If for a long time one goes on without making sufficient efforts or doing anything seriously, then instead of becoming one, one becomes divided into two, so that all features are divided into two groups: one part useful to the work and another part opposed.

To struggle with false personality, always do something that false personality does not like and you will very soon find out what it does not like.


4 Will

Life is not long enough for changing our being if we work on it as we do at everything else in life. Enormous effort is necessary to change even one small thng.

Self-remembering is of no use without remembering the aims of the work and the original fundamental aim. If aims are not remembered emotionally, years may pass and one will remain in the same state.

Without spiritual work, we live under the law of accident, cause-effect, and fate.

It is not enough to educate the mind; it is necessary to educate the will and emotions. Struggle must be by will, by intention. You must be aware of your intention.

Will can be seen at moments when there is strong desire to do or not to do something. Only those moments are important.

In this work you must work beyond your forces. Only then can you change. If you do only what is possible, you will remain where you are.

It is necessary to forget less and remember more. It is necessary to keep certain realizations, certain things you have already understood, always with you.

Definite aims to work on:

To be one
To be free (how? when one acquires control of machine)
To have will
To be awake

Knowledge and understanding cannot help if one does not work on being. One can understand and not be able to do anything.

Self-remembering is not an intellectual or abstract thing; it is moments of will. It is not thought, it is action. If it were just dreaming “I am,” it would not be anything of value.

One must realize one's position and be prepared to pay. The more one is prepared to pay, the more one acquires. Payment is a most important principle in the work.