31 December 2007
Ring in the Old
-- U.G. Krishnamurti, from Thought is Your Enemy
28 December 2007
Fight over word for "God" in Malaysia
25 December 2007
Does generosity reward the brain?
In a neurological study cited in Science, human research subjects were placed in an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scanner and manipulated through situations in which they gave charitable donations. Some brain regions involved in reward were activated by giving, indicating that the brain was experiencing positive sensations from the act of giving.
"If you look at human financial behavior as an attempt to increase the feeling of reward," said a neuroscientist, "then donating money makes economic sense. Look at it this way: when I'm giving to charity I'm paying for the pleasure of donating money."
http://tinyurl.com/yu4rheMeal for higher Principles
The substances that we use are a sacrifice to us, just as we are a sacrifice to the Reality that Lives us and ultimately Dissolves us in Itself. We sit at a great dinner table. We are ourselves a kind of Meal for a higher Principles. We are not intended to be a degraded slaughter, as are the cattle eaten by self-indulgent people, but we are the sacrificial elements in a higher Meal.
-- Bubba Free John, from The Eating Gorilla Comes in Peace
22 December 2007
Meditation vs. depression
Meditating could be a simple solution to treating depression. Brain scans show significant changes in brain waves after just a few weeks of meditation. Experts say meditation helps patients get rid of anger, anxiety and just let everything go.
15 December 2007
Absent or present Master
If there is surrender, even an absent Master can help you. If there is no surrender, even an alive Master who is present cannot help you.
14 December 2007
Change your brain -- with meditation
A research team is the first to use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to map brain activity changes in people trained in mindfulness meditation. The researchers scanned the brains of study participants as they responded to various word prompts.
People with no meditation training showed very little change in brain activity from task to task. They mostly engaged the areas along the middle of the brain such as the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for personality and social behaviour.
But participants who had practiced meditation regularly showed a more dramatic change in brain activity when asked to move from the narrative to the experiential focus: they shifted away from the midline brain regions to areas that regulate more primitive functions such as touch, pain and temperature sensation.
“This ability to alter brain activity may explain why so many studies show mood improvements with meditation. It turns out taking a break from the middle regions of the brain, which we tend to overuse,might be just what’s needed to help you feel better,” said a researcher.
11 December 2007
Cognitive reserves help older brains
But when these sharp old folks die, autopsy studies often reveal extensive brain abnormalities like those in patients with Alzheimer's.
Cognitive reserve, in this theory, refers to the brain's ability to develop and maintain extra neurons and connections between them via axons and dendrites. Later in life, these connections may help compensate for the rise in dementia-related brain pathology that accompanies normal aging.
Cognitive reserve is greater in people who complete higher levels of education. The more intellectual challenges to the brain early in life, the more neurons and connections the brain is likely to develop and perhaps maintain into later years. Several studies of normal aging have found that higher levels of educational attainment were associated with slower cognitive and functional decline.
But brain stimulation does not have to stop with the diploma. Better-educated people may go on to choose more intellectually demanding occupations and pursue brain-stimulating hobbies, resulting in a form of lifelong learning.
Osho birthday message
I’m not a person, and if you like me as a person you have missed me. You have missed the impersonal that is present here. I am just an opening. Come close to me and I will help you to become impersonal too.
-- Osho (Rajneesh) from The Wisdom of the Sands Vol. II., p. 338
10 December 2007
Balance and Vitality
Avoid excess or extremes. These create imbalance and enervation and toxicity. Do what maintains vitality and do it constantly. Feel to Infinity as the whole body. Relax profoundly under all conditions. Do not think or recoil (emotionally or physically) as a chronic activity. Learn to retain the vital force, especially in sexuality, and pervade the whole body with it. Learn to reverse the current of life in order to refresh and conserve the whole body.
-- Bubba Free John, from The Eating Gorilla Comes in Peace
09 December 2007
Zazen without Zazen
-- from the Shobogenzo (Treasury of True Dharma Eye) of Dogen (13th cent.)
08 December 2007
Living in Totality
-- Osho, from Until You Die: Discourses on the Sufi Way
07 December 2007
What is Left
-- Byron Kate, The Work Intensive (El Segundo 5/14/00)
01 December 2007
Osho speaks on the Bauls
A Baul is a man always on the road.
He has no house, no abode.
God is his only abode,
and the whole sky is his shelter.
He possesses nothing except a poor man's quilt,
a small, hand-made one-stringed instrument called aektara,
and a small drum, a kettle-drum.
That's all that he possesses.
He possesses only a musical instrument and a drum.
He plays with one hand on the instrument and he goes on beating the drum with the other.
The drum hangs by the side of his body, and he dances.
That is all of his religion.
Dance is his religion; singing is his worship.
He does not even use the word "God."
The Baul word for God is adhar manush,
the essential man.
The Bauls are called Bauls because they are mad people.
The word "Baul" comes from the Sanskrit root vatul.
It means: mad, affected by wind.
The Baul belongs to no religion.
He is neither Hindu nor Mohammedan nor Christian nor Buddhist.
He is a simple human being.
His rebellion is total.
He does not belong to anybody; he only belongs to himself.
He lives in a no man's land:
no country is his,
no religion is his,
no scripture is his.
His rebellion goes even deeper than the rebellion of the Zen Masters --
because at least formally, they belong to Buddhism;
at least formally, they worship Buddha.
Formally they have scriptures --
scriptures denouncing scriptures, of course --
but still they have.
At least they have a few scriptures to burn.
Bauls have nothing --
no scripture, not even to burn;
no church, no temple, no mosque --
nothing whatsoever.
-- Osho Rajneesh, from The Bauls
30 November 2007
Good personality boosts attractiveness
The findings, published in the December issue of Personal Relationships, found that information on personality was found to alter perceived desirability significantly, showing that cognitive processes and expectations modify judgments of attractiveness.
(Newsdaily Science 11.30.07)
29 November 2007
Limited chances
-- Ouspensky, from The Fourth Way
28 November 2007
Ouspensky on entropy
-- Ouspensky, from The Fourth Way
27 November 2007
Mapping Neural Networks
With an estimated 100 billion neurons and 100 trillion synapses in the human brain, creating an all-encompassing map of even a small chunk is a daunting task. Using standard methods, it would take roughly three billion person years to generate the wiring diagram of a single cortical column.
But neuroscientists at M.I.T. have now developed a new technique to make more fine-scaled wiring maps using electron microscopy. Starting with a small block of brain tissue, the researchers bounce electrons off the top of the block to generate a cross-sectional picture of the nerve fibers in that slice. They then take a very thin (30-nanometer) slice off the top of the block and repeat the process. Scientists go through the images slice by slice to trace the path of each nerve fiber.
26 November 2007
Some of the Dharma
Mountains, river, earth, are fantastic blossoms which you see owing to misconceptions that result neither from the mind’s misconception nor the mind’s right understanding but because your sense of direction has not been recovered through simple enlightenment….
--- Jack Kerouac, from Some of the Dharma25 November 2007
Inner Vision (Steiner)
– Rudolf Steiner, from The Secret Stream, p. 99
24 November 2007
Crack in the Cosmic Egg
Ultimate allegiance to a symbol of openness really does open things.
-- Joseph Chilton Pearce, The Crack in the Cosmic Egg (p. 178)
Our cosmic egg is the sum total of our notions of what the world is, notions which define what reality can be for us. The crack, then, is a mode of thinking through which imagination can escape the mundane shell and create a new cosmic egg.
-- p. xiv
Metaphysics of Quality

– Robert M. Pirsig, from Lila (p 124)
20 November 2007
Migraine brains 'are different'
They found a part of the cortex is thicker than in people who are free from the debilitating headaches. What is not clear is whether the difference causes, or is the result of migraine attacks. The neurology study, by Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, suggests the changes may make patients hyper-sensitive to pain in general.
Previous research has shown that the cortex becomes thinner with neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease. Part of the cortex, although not the somatosensory area, is also known to thicken with extensive motor training and learning.
The more things change . . .
One important phenomenon of the Greco-Roman age was the appearance of the religious and philosophical entrepeneur, sometimes called the divine man, sometimes the sophist or sage. The entrepeneur stepped into the void left vacant by the demise of traditional priestly functions at the ancient temple sites and addressed the confusion, concern, and curiosity of people confronted with a complex world that was felt to be at the mercy of the fates.
12 November 2007
Scientists Spot Brain Center for 'Out-of-Body' Experience

This activity appears to short-circuit the processing of sensory information and the ability to locate oneself in time and space, the team said.
"Self-perception is nothing else but a creation of your brain," explained neurosurgeon Dr. Dirk De Ridder, of the neurosurgical department at Antwerp University. "We found a key spot in the brain in which different areas are normally activated whenever stimulus comes in, so you can relate that stimulus to yourself, which helps create a unified perception of ourselves."
"The 'total perception of self,' " he added, "is built out of different parts. And one of these parts is that your consciousness belongs within your body."
http://tinyurl.com/37psyp09 November 2007
06 November 2007
Mirror, Mirror In The Brain
Some scientists speculate that a mirror system in people forms the basis for social behavior, for our ability to imitate, acquire language, and show empathy and understanding. It also may have played a role in the evolution of speech. Mirror neurons were so named because, by firing both when an animal acts and when it simply watches the same action, they were thought to "mirror" movement, as though the observer itself were acting.
31 October 2007
'60s Pop star to open Meditation U. in Scotland

The 'Mellow Yellow' singer says TM guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi asked him to build the university while the pop star was on pilgrimage to India back in 1968. But it wasn't until he met famed film director David Lynch in recent years that he decided to fulfill the Maharishi's request.
Lynch and Donovan plan to contact education officials in Scotland to make the school a legitimate place of learning and Lynch says the effects could be outstanding.
20 October 2007
Dalai Lama discusses meditation with scientists

Several top experts on depression indicated that meditation can play a big part in treating people suffering from the condition.
The one-day conference was sponsored by Emory University and the Boulder, Colorado-based Mind & Life Institute. It was part of a weekend of events with the Dalai Lama, who has accepted a distinguished professorship at the prestigious private college.On Friday, the exiled Tibetan leader was presented with a science curriculum designed by Emory faculty and translated into Tibetan. The faculty will teach the curriculum to thousands of Tibetan monks living in India starting in January 2008 and part of a program requested by the Dalai Lama to improve monastic education.
15 October 2007
Filmmaker Promotes Meditation on Israel Trip
The 61-year-old director, who has received Oscar nominations for "The Elephant Man," "Blue Velvet" and "Mullholland Dr.," is visiting Israel to encourage transcendental meditation as a new approach to eliminating violence in schools and creating a peaceful world.
"Real peace is not just the absence of war, but the absence of all suffering, all negativity," Lynch said at the Sam Spiegel Film and Television School in Jerusalem. "Change comes from within. From the first meditation, boom, you're there."
Lynch has been meditating for more than 30 years. He started the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace to promote transcendental meditation as a way to aid students in violence-ridden schools and bring about world harmony.
13 October 2007
No one can patent ancient yoga techniques, says spiritual leader
Interacting with select media persons here ahead of a five-day-long camp on ways to promote the management of stress on a day-to-day basis, Gurumaa, who originally hails from Amritsar, criticised moves in the United States to patent yoga.
"Knowledge is not anyone's property. Everyone has a right to it. Yoga is a discipline that has been handed down through the ages, through time, and it has taken generations of people to understand it, propagate it and derive individual benefit from it," she said.
She apparently was reacting to Bikram Yoga founder and US-based Bikram Choudhary's move in May this year to get a copyright for his method of teaching yoga, which has shocked yoga enthusiasts and experts in India.
There is a unanimous feeling in India that the idea of patenting knowledge like yoga is absurd and violates the ancient Indian art.
Anandmurti Gurumaa is the latest to join a bandwagon of critics against this move to patent yoga, even as the U.S. Patent Office has officially issued 150 yoga-related copyrights, 134 trademarks on yoga accessories and 2,315 yoga trademarks.
www dailyindia com
11 October 2007
Mantra and Meditation
28 September 2007
Beyond the purple sky of the holonomic, post-historic future stretches the planetary rainbow, a celestial guardian being. While representing the cave and sacred site guarding rainbow serpents and dragons of aboriginal and early hieratic civilization, the rainbow guardian has always been with us. Like the psi bank that it symbolizes, its chromatic pattern has always beckoned to us to fulfill our potential. As the symbol of realization, bliss, and completion, it represents the “end condition” of humanity totally attuned to and operative with the spectrum of environmental energies. Such an expression suggests a complete synesthesia, a condition of complete planetary synthesis almost unthinkable today. Yet it is a condition to with the logic of the holonomic equation inescapably points.
-- Jose Arguelles, Earth Ascending
25 September 2007
Jean Klein on evolution
23 September 2007
-- Ken Wilber, A Brief History of Everything 495
19 September 2007
Brain Network Related To Intelligence Identified

The data suggest that some of the brain areas related to intelligence are the same areas related to attention and memory and to more complex functions like language. Haier and Jung say this possible integration of cognitive functions suggests that intelligence levels might be based on how efficient the frontal-parietal networks process information.
16 September 2007
Yoga festival planned for UN peace day
The event is aimed to raise awareness and funds for global causes. The GMP aims to unite the global yoga community to form a mala or a rosary around earth through collective practices based on the Hindu sacred cycle of 108 on Sep 21-22.
Participants include hundreds of yoga studios, mainly in the US and at least two in India, renowned yoga and spiritual teachers.
The main event in Los Angeles on Sep 22 has been planned as a gathering of 108 yoga studios, 1,008 teachers and 10,000 people. The 12-hour programme includes yoga trance dance by Shiva Rea, meditation with Bangalore-based guru Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Kundalini Yoga, 108 rounds of Surya namaskar, mandala creation and kirtan.
Over 16 million people practise yoga in the US and the market for yoga in the country is worth $3 billion, according to Yoga Journal surveys.
14 September 2007
Travel industry turns on to yoga vacations
From luxury hotel resorts to rustic retreats, yoga offerings and yoga-centric vacations have increasingly become a carrot to lure vacationers that want more than a fabulous place to stay and entertainment. The past five years have seen growth in yoga vacations that is emblematic of a larger trend in the travel industry.
11 September 2007
Evolutionary Agents
07 September 2007
Adult Brains Can Heal Themselves
Past research has established the remarkable capacity of young brains to change or adapt to deficits by creating new signaling routes, a phenomenon called plasticity. However, whether adult brains have that same capacity has remained controversial.
Results from a new study, published in the Sept. 5 online edition of the Journal of Neuroscience, suggest at least in one patient, the visual center of an adult brain can reorganize itself neurally to overcome damaged pathways and result in changes (and possibly improvements) in visual perception.
The new finding adds weight to suggestions made by other research about the ability of adult brains to morph.
This year, neuroscientists reported the adult mice could grow new neurons, a finding they said could have implications for the treatment of human neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's. A similar finding was reported a couple of years ago in mice. In 2005, a brain-scan study of human adults with macular degeneration showed evidence of plasticity in the visual regions of their brains.
http://www.livescience.com/health/070906_brain_change.html04 September 2007

-- David Lynch, Catching the Big Fish: Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity (2006)
03 September 2007
The Integral View
-- Ken Wilber, A Brief History of Everything
27 August 2007

-- Ken Wilber, A Brief History of Everything
24 August 2007
Scientists induce out-of-body sensation with virtual reality

When people gaze at an illusory image of themselves through the goggles and are prodded in just the right way with the stick, they feel as if they have left their bodies.
The research reveals that "the sense of having a body, of being in a bodily self," is actually constructed from multiple sensory streams...Full story:
Cactus of the Tarahumara

21 August 2007
-- Arnaud Desjardins, from The Message of the Tibetans (qtd. in Thomas Merton's Asian Journal.)
14 August 2007
Will or Won't
-- Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
06 August 2007
Walking damages environment more than driving?
Walking does more than driving to cause global warming, a leading environmentalist has calculated. Food production is now so energy-intensive that more carbon is emitted providing a person with enough calories to walk to the shops than a car would emit over the same distance.
"A chilled ready meal is a perfect example of where the energy is wasted. You make the meal, then use an enormous amount of energy to chill it and keep it chilled through warehousing and storage.” The ideal diet would consist of cereals and pulses. “This is a route which virtually nobody, apart from a vegan, is going to follow,” Mr Goodall said. But there are other ways to reduce the carbon footprint. “Don’t buy anything from the supermarket,” Mr Goodall said, “or anything that’s travelled too far.”
Times UK
26 July 2007
Did mass meditation fuel stock market surge?
These dramatic and unexpected developments are just a few of the concrete signs of the success of the Invincible America Assembly in Iowa — the largest-ever scientific demonstration project to document the effects of large group meditations on the economic and social trends of the nation, according to Dr. John Hagelin, world-renowned quantum physicist, executive director of the International Center for Invincible Defense, and President of the Global Union of Scientists for Peace, who is leading the Assembly. Dr. John Hagelin is to present preliminary findings of the first year of the Invincible America Assembly — and to lodge predictions for the coming year.
More at:
Surfing the Waves of Mind
Waves are the ultimate illusion. They come out of nowhere, instantaneously materialize and just as quickly they break and vanish. Chasing after such fleeting mirages is a complete waste of time. That is what I choose to do with my life. -- Miki Dora
20 July 2007
Traveling child goddess gets back her divinity

And that effort has finally paid off. In a noisy and colourful return to
18 July 2007
Mirror Neurons Influenced by Culture
In a recent study by researchers at a UCLA neuroscience institute wanted to investigate the imprint of culture on the so-called mirror neuron network. Mirror neurons fire when an individual performs an action, but they also fire when someone watches another individual perform that same action. Neuroscientists believe this "mirroring" is the neural mechanism by which we can read the minds of other people and empathize with them.
When it comes to the influence of culture, they found that indeed, the mirror neuron network responds differently depending on whether we are looking at someone who shares our culture, or someone who doesn't.
Based on the research so far, it appears that neural systems supporting memory, empathy and general cognition encode information differently depending on who's giving the information -- a member of one's own cultural group, or a member of an out-group, and that ethnic in-group membership and a culturally learned motor repertoire more strongly influence the brain's responses to observed actions, specifically actions used in social communication.
http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/07/070718002115.htmTo acquire knowledge it is not enough to travel hastily through a
country. Observation demands eyes, and the power of directing them
towards the object we desire to know. There are plenty of people
who learn no more from their travels than from their books, because
they do not know how to think; because in reading their mind is
at least under the guidance of the author, and in their travels
they do not know how to see for themselves.
-- Rousseau, Emile
10 July 2007
-- Muktananda
04 July 2007
Purpose and Manifestation

-- Meher Baba (1894-1969)
30 June 2007
Brain scans show why meditation works
Meditation and other “mindfulness” techniques are designed to help people pay more attention to their present emotions, thought and sensations without reacting strongly to them. Meditators often acknowledge and name their negative emotions in order to “let them go.”
When the team compared brain scans from subjects who had more mindful dispositions to those from subjects who were less mindful, they found a stark difference—the mindful subjects experienced greater activation in the right ventrolateral prefrontral cortex and a greater calming effect in the amygdala after labeling their emotions.
“These findings may help explain the beneficial health effects of mindfulness meditation, and suggest, for the first time, an underlying reason why mindfulness meditation programs improve mood and health,” said David Creswell, a UCLA psychologist who led the second part of the study, which will be detailed in Psychosomatic Medicine.
29 June 2007
Healing yoga helps cancer patients
This month, the famed MD Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas announced expanded research into the benefits of Tibetan yoga in relieving the side effects of cancer treatments.
Yogi Ramsuratkumar

25 June 2007
Nicole Kidman trains her brain with Nintendo

Nintendo has announced actress Nicole Kidman as the new face of its forthcoming Nintendo DS handheld gaming title More Brain Training from Dr Kawashima: How Old Is Your Brain?
The new game, which is the sequel to Nintendo’s runaway success DS title Brain Training, tests user’s intelligence and aptitude through a range of puzzles, questions and challenges in an attempt to improve the user’s ‘brain age’ – essentially a reflection of the user’s intellect.
. . .
“I love the concept that Nintendo is reaching out to new audiences with their self improvement products like Brain Training,” said Kidman. “Most importantly, I’ve quickly found that training my brain is a great way to keep my mind young,” she said.
23 June 2007
have you checked out www.ifacedforeclosure.com?

When you're done with that one you're ready for this one.
If you're not ready for this one you may have some fun with that one.
notice that the "s" has become a "z." That's "hip."
22 June 2007
Brain-activated remote control?

The technology could one day replace remote controls and keyboards and perhaps help disabled people operate electric wheelchairs, beds and artificial limbs.
Initial uses would be helping people with paralyzing diseases communicate even after they have lost all control of their muscles.
21 June 2007
Repair your brain . . . with gene therapy!

A major worldwide breakthrough in gene therapy was signalled last night after injections into the brain were used for the first time to successfully treat a degenerative brain disease.
In a pioneering study, researchers used the treatment to bring about significant improvements in the mobility of Parkinson's sufferers. They said it could also herald a breakthrough in the treatment of other neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer's or epilepsy.
The study, begun in 2003, was carried out on 11 men and one woman with an average age of 58, who had all had severe Parkinson's for at least five years and for whom current therapies were no longer effective.
They were given injections of billions of copies of a genetically altered virus into part of the brain called the subthalamic nucleus.
The altered virus carried the human gene for an enzyme, called GAD, which helps to make GABA. Once implanted, brain cells of the patients started to make the GABA chemical.
19 June 2007
Hero's Journey goes hi-tech with "God of War II"

God of War® saw Kratos, a mortal warrior, set upon an epic quest to dethrone a God. But his journey did not end there. In God of War II, Kratos sits atop his
From the Paste Magazine review:
. . . But the game’s foundation is based on something stronger than soil and rock: the idea that one man can defy the gods. www.pastemagazine.com/action/article/4316/god_of_war_ii
16 June 2007
Milkshake energy-drug boosts brain power

The milkshake drug, called Ketasyn, is a dramatically different way to approach dementia. It hinges on recent research suggesting diabetic-like changes in brain cells' ability to use sugar for energy play a role in at least some forms of Alzheimer's.
Special fatty acids in Ketasyn offer an alternate food source to rev up those hungry neurons, say researchers.
13 June 2007
Paris: "God has released me!"

Imprisoned heiress Paris Hilton says "I have become much more spiritual"
Complains of dry skin due to rules against moisturizers, plans to build "Paris Hilton Playhouse" upon release
By: Michelle Nichols Tues Jun 12, 2007
New York (Reuters) - Imprisoned hotel heiress Paris Hilton has said she believes God has given her a new chance and she plans to stop acting dumb and put her influence to good use.
Hilton called Barbara Walters on Sunday from the medical wing of a
"I'm not the same person I was," Hilton told Walters.
"I know now that I can make a difference, that I have the power to do that. I have been thinking that I want to do different things when I am out of here. I have become much more spiritual. God has given me this new chance."
Hilton was ordered back to jail on Friday after a judge overruled a sheriff's decision to place her under house arrest on Thursday because of psychological problems. She had spent three days of an expected three-week term behind bars.
"I feel as if I'm a different person," said Hilton, known for her party-going lifestyle.
She was sentenced last month to 45 days in jail, but with good behavior, Walters said, Hilton was due to be released on June 25 after serving a total 23 days.
"I feel that the purpose of my life is to be where I am," Hilton told Walters. "My spirit or soul did not like the way I was being seen and that is why I was sent to jail. God has released me."
When she is released, Hilton said, she might like to help in the fields of breast cancer or multiple sclerosis, diseases that her grandmothers suffered, or build a "Paris Hilton Playhouse" for sick children.
Hilton, who said other inmates had been friendly, added that her skin was very dry because she was not allowed any moisturizer.
12 June 2007
Evolve.org and "Conscious Evolution"

Neale Donald Walsch turned me on to the following website, which I find to be intriguing and I think you will too if you're seriously into the sort of things we discuss here and at the main eWakening site. The site below, evolve.org, is run by a friend of Neale's, metaphysical writer Barbara Marx Hubbard.
Conscious Evolution is a new social/scientific/spiritual meta-discipline. This worldview has progressed from Einstein's early admonitions that humankind cannot solve our problems from the same place of consciousness in which we created them, through noted scientists and philosophers such as Julian Huxley, Teilhard de Chardin, Sri Aurobindo, Abraham H. Maslow, Jonas Salk, to today's social scientists such as Bela H. Banathy, Hazel Henderson, Riane Eisler, Ervin Laszlo, Jean Houston, Duane Elgin, Edgar Mitchell, Ken Wilber, Peter Russell, Elisabet Sahtouris, Don Beck and many others who are building frameworks for practical application in health, governance, education, management, environment, science, the arts and media.
In simple terms, Conscious Evolution means that we must improve our ability to use our powers ethically and effectively (consciously) to achieve a positive future (evolve).
08 June 2007
Tibet tourism to double by 2010

It was once a mystical mountain enclave closed to outsiders and ruled by red-robed Buddhist monks, but the number of tourists visiting Tibet is set to double to six million between now and 2010.
The introduction of regular flights as well as a high-tech rail link to the Tibetan capital, Lhasa, that started a year ago, has seen tourists arrive in droves to the city where historically neither foreigners or Chinese dare enter.
The opening up of Tibet is a contentious issue. Beijing says it is bringing prosperity to a traditionally impoverished area, and has engaged in a huge building programme. According to a regional government document, tourism could bring at least six billion yuan ($800m) or about 12 per cent of the region's gross domestic product.
Tibetan activists fear that local people will receive less than their share of new jobs and income, and that tourism and migration by Han Chinese could swamp the area's distinctive culture.
04 June 2007
Jeremy Irons connects with Prison Yoga program

Actor Jeremy Irons says his work as an actor has enabled him to connect with the prisoners he wants to help as part of a program that encourages inmates to meditate and practice yoga.
The actor is involved in Freeing the Human Spirit, a program that helps prisoners deal with their anger and stay out of jail through the practice of yoga and meditation.
"When you're banged up in prison, as Paris Hilton will find out, I suppose, you're stuck in a cell on your own, a very negative experience," Irons says. "But if you can turn that cell into an ashram, if you can learn to meditate and do yoga, exercise your mind and exercise your body -- then it becomes a positive experience."
03 June 2007

-- Osho Rajneesh
01 June 2007
A Man of Knowledge (Castaneda)

31 May 2007
Lou Reed and Meditation

Art-rock icon Lou Reed has just released a meditation album.
Read an interview and listen to some album cuts at:
Ganesh Baba Nirvana

27 May 2007
Hindu tribesmen convert to Buddhism
MUMBAI (Reuters) - About 50,000 Indian low-caste Hindus and nomadic tribespeople converted to Buddhism before a vast crowd on Sunday in the hope of escaping the rigidity of the ancient Hindu caste system and finding a life of dignity.
Monks in orange and saffron robes administered religious vows to the converts as about half a million spectators, mostly Buddhists, cheered the ceremony at a horseracing track in downtown Mumbai.
24 May 2007
Stars & Spirituality: Paris Hilton and the Power of Now

Paris Hilton seen earlier this month in L.A. with a copy of "The Power of Now." Celebrities as well as "normal folk" seem to be catching on to the power of spirituality . . . with mixed results, of course.
23 May 2007
What needs to be done
This WILL take place more or less "automatically," without one having to deliberately think about it, but ONLY when one has fully absorbed the basic teaching and burnt out some of one's remaining tendencies and egoic habits.
You deepen in that awareness by regular and consistent meditational practice and seva (service.)
"What goes around comes around."
Consciousness is Meditation!
-- Franklin Jones, The Method of the Siddhas.
22 May 2007
Life Conditions and Work
-- Gurdjieff
12 March 2007
Gateway to Enlightenment
Catch the vibes!
time to eWaken is now
come join the adventure